Test Preparation

Test Preparation

One of the most important test preparation tips we can give you is to give yourself enough time to study. Don't procrastinate! It's best to begin preparing long before the day of a test. Make it a habit to complete reading assignments on time and frequently review lecture notes. If you're preparing for mid-term or final exams, you'll want to organize your time so you can dedicate more time to those exams that are more important or are going to be more demanding

Make time for studying. Setting aside regular time to study is critical for achieving high test performance. We recommend preparing a term calendar, weekly schedule and daily schedule that includes regular study sessions. It's so easy for work and other activities to quickly take precedence over studying, so plan your study time in advance. As you progress through the term it's okay to amend your study schedule to meet your needs, but make sure you plan study sessions in advance – and that you stick with them.